Rhythm and Praise Charitable Fund

Why Is Education For Homeless Is Important To Empowering The Youth?

Why Is Education For Homeless Is Important To Empowering The Youth? At Rhythm and Praise Charitable Fund, we solidly accept that education is an amazing asset that can break the pattern of homelessness and elevate people and networks. By giving education to homeless, we are not just offering them an opportunity at a more promising… Continue reading Why Is Education For Homeless Is Important To Empowering The Youth?

Why Are Educational Programs For Teens Important For Development?

Women Empowerment In World Most of us were taught the significance of education as children. But why are educational programs for teens crucial? You might have believed that going to school was a waste of time or something you had to do to get a job throughout your trying school years. However, education is more… Continue reading Why Are Educational Programs For Teens Important For Development?

Categorized as Education

Do You Know How To Be An Engaging And Highly Effective Educator?

Do You Know How To Be An Engaging And Highly Effective Educator? Anyone Can Teach. We Teach Each Other Every Day. For Example, We… Anyone can teach. We teach each other every day. For example, we give instructions to each other for such things as cooking, putting together furniture, and completing household other tasks. However,… Continue reading Do You Know How To Be An Engaging And Highly Effective Educator?

Categorized as Education

Immortalizing Values Through Education For Sustainable Development

Immortalizing Values Through Education For Sustainable Development Education Is The Primary Agent of Transformation Towards Sustainable Development, Increasing People’s… Education is the primary agent of transformation towards sustainable development, increasing people’s capacities to transform their visions for society into reality. Education not only provides scientific and technical skills, it also provides the motivation, and social… Continue reading Immortalizing Values Through Education For Sustainable Development

Categorized as Education